By Barry Z. Masser, Plated Glass Designs®
About us
Barry Z. Masser attended The Institute of Design at The Illinois Institute of Technology, and The Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, studying under the direction of Ruth Van Sickle Ford. From that background, he spent his early career in commercial art and design, and writing several non-fiction books published by Simon & Schuster and Macmillan Free Press.
Captivated by the design possibilities in the purity and brilliance of glass - but not satisfied with the visual results of single-layer glass windows - Masser reached back to 19th century technology and revived the plating techniques popularized by L.C. Tiffany. These approaches to stained glass design make possible the creation of highly realistic scenes. This process of "painting with glass" is done by using two to four (or more) layers of superimposed glass to achieve lifelike hues, shadows, textures, and depth.
Mr. Masser’s company, Plated Glass Designs, based in Bellingham, Washington, creates designs and produces pattern kits and plating how-to books for major glass supply distributors. They hold two-day plating workshops in Bellingham, Las Vegas, and on-site in retail glass supply stores.
Contact us for information on plating workshops. Two-day sessions can be structured for groups of two to ten people at your site or in Bellingham, WA. A course outline can be provided upon request.
Workshop attendees doing their first-ever plating projects. Most students select either the Sundown pattern or Atlantic Sentinel for their initial efforts. Results are almost always outstanding. Both of these patterns are in our book Introduction to Glass Plating.
Even if you are venturing into plating on your own - without the help of our books or patterns - please don't hesitate to contact us if any questions come up.
2011 Plated Glass Designs. All copy and codes
We're constantly working to develop innovative stained glass projects, like these, that can be passed on to you